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Philip Piper
0 reviews
1.8 k downloads

Find the lyrics of your favorite songs

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Álvaro Toledo icon
Reviewed by
Álvaro Toledo
Chief Content Officer

LyricsFetcher is an effective application that allows you to find and download the lyrics for your music library.

The program access to iTunes and Windows Media libraries and shows a list of songs stored in them.

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Then, we only have to click the button 'Fetch' and the program will search the web trying to find the lyrics for our songs.

Furthermore, LyricsFetcher gives you the possibility of editing metadata of each song, play them or access Google to find more information about the song.

Let LyricsFetcher help you when trying to understand those songs you don't understand because they are in other languages.

Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about LyricsFetcher 0.6.1

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Utilities
Language English
Author Philip Piper
Downloads 1,786
Date Feb 10, 2010
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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